
Showing posts from April, 2013

Baby Sebastopol on my tummy.

I have this baby Sebastopol goose on my tummy. Goslings seem to have a nack for building emotions to their surroundings. I've watched by Sebastopol ganders emotionally connect with baby goslings as their family. This year, I had a pekin duck hatching duck eggs, I placed some goslings under her for her to adopt. A few weeks went by, after I placed her and her ducklings and goslings out in the pasture. It was the first day the geese went up to the goslings to "talk" to them. It took a week or two before the goslings left the mother ducks. It's the emotion part of a gosling that perhaps connects its family to one another.

First baby Sebastopol goose of the season!!!

First baby Sebastopol goose of the season!!!

I have 2 baby Sebastopol goslings hatching.

I have 2 baby Sebastopol goslings hatching. Yes, I will post many pictures :)

Here is a warning egg label to make you laugh.

Here is a warning egg label to make you laugh. I'm going through my incubators and using my RCOM 20 Pro to incubate my Sebastopol eggs. I hope this label does the job!!! Tempering with my eggs may result in an ass whipping you'll never forget!

Good morning y'all!

Good morning y'all! It's a bright beautiful morning in Utah, how do I know? The roosters are crowing, the geese are biting and my chicks are peeping, oh and look at this, huge nests of eggs are showing. Hope everyone is having an awesome day!

Long story short, here is my new birds to my farm ;)

Long story short, here is my new birds to my farm, you know i'm addicted to baby chicks!  Let us fowl breeders unit!

Baby call duck

Here are our call ducks shipped from the postal service. They are fragile and laud.

This photo of my Manchurian Coturnix Quail is just amazing!

This photo of my quail is just amazing!

2013 type of book, updated information is always welcomed.

2013 type of book, updated information is always welcomed.

How pretty do these birds get?

All my babies are warm, all Sebastopol eggs :)

Happy hatchlings!!!

All my babies are warm, all Sebastopol eggs :)

Sebastopol Geese
