
Showing posts from August, 2013

Amazing photos of our Sebastopol geese.

Here are some of my favorite photos i've gathered so far late 2012-2013 breeding season. These are taken with my nikon DSLR D5100. There are much more. We will update that page with the newest info that Sebastopol breeding, brooding, hatching and many amazing photos of our Sebastopol geese!

Red Shouldered Yokohama chicks posing for my camera.


Yokohama rooster, a closer look.

We're a step closer, we have a few strains of from different breeders and imports. The Yokohama breed is truly unique.

Incredible photos so far of my Japanese Quail.

This is one of my favorite photographs among all of my quail i've taken so far, I plan on taking more photos this weekend. Here is a lovely coturnix quail (Japanese quail) male texas A&M enjoying his lovely stress free home. This Italian male is gorgeous, notice his feather patterns, darker head. This Italian male is gorgeous, notice his feather patterns, darker head. This is one of my favorite photographs among all of my quail.

When your dreams are destroyed, replant as needed.


Okay, I have a problem. Addiction of raising poultry!

Okay, I have a problem. Addiction of raising poultry!

If you want to be a good photographer, raise quail and attempt photographing them.

If you want to be a good photographer, raise quail and attempt photographing them. I think they're about the hardest bird on the farm to get a good photo from.

Here's a good quote that inspires our creativity.

Today's scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality. — Nikola Tesla

It's a warm day in Utah

It's a warm day in Utah, my birds are feeling the heat. The wind finally picked up, they're loving it. These are my buff Orpingtons hens.

eBay ads are up - yes we breed different, that's why you'll love oureggs.

eBay ads are up - yes we breed different, that's why you'll love our eggs.

It's time to revamp the site.

Its time to revamp the internet. I've finally come to a point within my website programming that I'm comfortable with sharing nee and worthy information. You will be seeing; Guides New breeding techniques New incubating ideas Flaws we can prevent Farming ideas Products rated by members Connection with members Videos on how to Photography at a new scale Much more

Call ducks, no place like home.

I just about lost it, thinking my breeding pairs of call ducks ran/flew away. I finally figured out where they came to sleep at night. I've been jumping barb wire fencing, creating simple traps and amazing enough 3 yet still figured away to literally run away. I have lost it, it's 3:50 AM with scratches and dirt all over. ~ Life of a bird breeder. Live life like there's no tomorrow.